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CSD Resources:

  • Corporate Governance and Control in Bulgaria - Summary Report
  • Policy Recommendation Paper
  • Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Bulgaria
  • Development of capital markets in Bulgaria
  • Current Issues of Corporate Governance in Bulgaria (in English)
  • Current Issues of Corporate Governance in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)
  • Corporate Governance in Bulgaria
  • OECD's Corporate Affairs Unit

The Corporate Affairs Unit focuses on policies related to the development and efficient functioning of the corporate sector in both the OECD Member and non-Member countries, with particular emphasis on corporate governance, privatisation and state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform, financial disclosure and Insolvency.


  • This is the World Bank corporate governance web site - a gateway for sharing knowledge, experiences, best practices and resources from around the world.

Global Corporate Governance Forum
The Forum has been established to provide assistance to developing transition economies on corporate governance. It has been established through the cooperation of the World Bank Group and OECD.

International Corporate Governance Network
The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), founded in 1995 at the instigation of major institutional investors, represents investors, companies, financial intermediaries, academics and other parties interested in the development of global corporate governance practices.

Davis Global Advisors
Davis Global Advisors (DGA) is an independent, privately-owned consulting firm specializing in global corporate governance. It helps institutional investors boost the value of their holdings through corporate governance strategies best shaped for each market and situation.

The Investor Responsibility Research Center
IRRC is a non-profit institution that provides research, software products and consulting services to nearly 500 subscribers and clients representing institutional investors, corporations, law firms and other organizations.

European Corporate Governance Network
ECGN is a non-profit research network that brings together scholars and practitioners residing in different European countries, and abroad, who take an active interest in European and comparative corporate governance issues.

New Papers on Corporate Governance
The site aims to collect information on new publications related to corporate governance (working papers, forthcoming articles, books, book reviews, codes, etc.). The forum is fully automated and runs on the Web server of the European Corporate Governance Network and is intended to complement ECGNlist.

The Conference Board on the Web
The Board's Global Corporate Governance Research Center brings together CEOs and senior leaders from business, institutional investors, and public entities worldwide to develop governance solutions that will enhance global growth.

Centre for International Corporate Governance
The Centre for International Corporate Governance has recently been established as one of four research centres in Nottingham Business School. Some valuable links available on their site.

The Corporate Governance Site
The Corporate Governance site is designed to provide a springboard for explorations and discussions concerning the movement to enhance wealth by creating more democratic forms of corporate governance. There is a rich online library and a news section.

Corporate Monitoring Site
This site provides information concerning choice of target companies and reduces the total costs shareholders pay for voting advice. It also provides a vast collection of web resources for proxy voting and corporate monitoring.

Reports & Articles:

Library Resources:

Books available at the USIS Information Resource Center, Sofia

Author: Blair, Margaret M.
Title: Ownership and control : rethinking corporate governance for the twenty-first century.
Publisher: Washington, D.C.; Brookings Institute 1995.

Author: Useem, Michael.
Title: Executive defense : shareholder power and corporate reorganization.
Publisher: Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard University Press 1993.

Books available at the American University in Bulgaria - AUBG Library

Title: Corporate Control and Accountability: Changing Structures and the Dynamics of Regulation
Editor: Joseph. McCahery, Sol Piccciotto and Colin Scott
Publisher: Oxford: Claredon Press, 1993

Author: Charkham Jonathan P.
Title: Keeping Good Companies: A Study of Corporate Governance in five countries
Publisher: Oxford: Claredon Press, 1994

Title: Corporate Governance in Transitional Economies: Insider Control and the Role of Banks
Editor: Masahiko Aoki and Hyung -KiKim
Publisher: Washington: The World Bank, 1994
Series: Economics Development Institute of World Bank

Title: Corporate Governance of Public Enterprises in Transitional Economies
Editor: Dominique Pannier
Publisher: Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1996
Series: World Bank Technical Paper

Title: Enterprise Restructuring and Economic Policy in Russia
Editor: Simon Commander, Qimia Fan and Mark E. Schaffer
Publisher: Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1996
Series: Economics Development Institute of World Bank

Author: Economics Policy Institute
Title: Corporate Governance in Bulgaria
Publisher: Sofia, Bulgaria: Balkanpress Joint stock Company, 1997

Author: Carlin Wendy
Title: Privatization, Enterprise Restructuring and Corporate Governance in Transition: an update of empirical studies

Books available at the CSD Library

Title: Corporate Ownership In Transitional Economy (in Bulgarian language)
Publisher: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1994

Title: Mass privatisation Schemes in Central and East European Countries. Implications on Corporate Governance
Publisher: Gorex Press, 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria

Title: How to Trade with Shares from Mass Privatization
Publisher: CSD, Author: D. Barbalov, 1997, in Bulgarian

Other books

Authors: Colin Mayer, Marek Hessel, Jay Lorsch, James Sailer, Jonathan Charkham
Title: In Search of Good Directors: Corporate Boards in Market and Transition Economies


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