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In all above mentioned activities computerisation can play an important role. Providing computers and all necessary technical equipment will facilitate the implementation and execution of the activities to be undertaken. Yet, computarisation in itself is the answer nor the solution to successful implementation of the plans. Only when computerisation is considered as a part of a plan and not as a goal in itself it will have added value. Without a structured plan for computarisation as part of the integral implementation traject, providing technical equipment will lead to nothing. The supply of computer equipment should therefor only be considered when policy plans for the use of it are incorporated in the implementation plan. Per project a list of actual wants and needs in terms of computarisation (hardware, software) should be delivered, incorperated in the implementation plan. On the basis of the actual added value of the technical equipment to the working process envisaged in each project a decision on the supply should be taken. When computer equipment is supplied in a project, training facilities should be added as well.

In this respect, the lists of needs and wants, delivered by the MJELI must be regarded critically.

For what the supply of other materialistic items concerns, in fact the same line should be held. Supply of equipment such as office furnishment, copiers, documentation, information and data base systems, library equipment etc. should be integrated in the PHARE programme only when it is servicable to reach the overall goal of the specific project.

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