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Empowering Civil Society in the Fight against Corruption in South East Europe
SPAI regional conference
September 17-19, 2001
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Albania's Action Plan under Pillar 5

The main goal of the Action Plan is to continue and strengthen the current co-operation and relationship that exist between the Government and the Civil Society, within a two-fold plan: 1) Civil Society must embrace the Policy Makers; 2) The Government consults and involves the Civil Society and the NGO Community on the decision making process.

Both the Government (ACMG Board, ACMG PU, and Inter Ministerial Commission on Anti-Corruption) and civil society representatives agree to support the following actions:

Public Attitudes

  • Publicise through media and different publications pamphlets activities and information on:
  • - ACMG Board Activities and Reports;
    - Permanent Unit Activities and Reports;
    - Coalition's Activities, Public Survey reports.

This process must be undertaken by each role player, with their own means, but by explaining through this process the following:

- Steps taken;
- Results achieved;
- Recommendations.

Time line: Every 3 months

  • The Government and civil society will continue to co-operate on public awareness and public education through a joint and monthly organised Public Forum on Anti-Corruption and its prevention, government efforts and civil society efforts.

Time Line: Every month

Legal Environment

Civil Society through NGOs', Trade Unions, and business associations co-operate and co-ordinate together to establish the following:

  • Draft a Strategy Plan and have a lobby platform for tax exemption/reduction for charitable related activities;

Time line: 3 months

  • Through media, and especially TV, conduct a public awareness campaign on the issue of the necessary steps that need to be taken by the Government toward incentives on charitable activities;

Time line: 5 months

  • Consult with experts and start up a dialogue with Government on the new legislation clauses.

Time line: 10 months

Increase Civil Society Capacity to Fight Corruption

  • Parallel Strategies carried out by the NGOs and the local government will be organised to do the following:

    - Local Government assess its needs and its financial independent resources in its disposal;
    - NGOs assess their own and their partner's expertise, credibility and sustainability to carry out Anti-Corruption specific projects for the local government.

Time line: 3 months

Finalise this process with a workshop to draw recommendations and commitments from both sides, and adopt a final framework.

Time line: 3 months

  • Organise a national/regional workshop to exchange and draw expertise on how to conduct:

- Lobbying for legislation and law implementation initiatives related to anti corruption;
- Increase the public awareness and prevention measures;
- Monitoring Corruption

All role players must participate in the open dialogue format.

Time line: 7 months

State of Media

  • Strengthen the local NGOs, which handle the media-training component.

Time line: on going

  • Encourage professional investigative journalism by awarding an "Annual Journalism Fighting Corruption" Price.

Time line: 12 months

  • By ensuring financial support implement the following steps:

    - Supplements in the daily newspapers with articles related to fight against corruption and stories about corrupt practices;
    - Show stories on TV national channels on corrupt practices;
    - Draft and publish a manual on " Special Means of Professional Investigating Journalism" for journalists and students in journalism;
    - Complete the University curricula of the School of Journalism with a special course on Investigating Journalism.

    Time Line: 12 months

  • Improve and institutionalise the employment terms for journalist's employment contracts according to the Albanian labour code.

Time line 12 months

  • Increase and promote anti-corruption cross-border media activities.

Time line: 12 months

Government Transparency and Co-operation

  • Establish and finalise the Government structures related to public relations offices on providing public access and information related to anti-corruption initiatives, and other related information and data base;

- Draft unique standard procedures on how to provide information from Government to the civil society;
- Publish a Handbook on the Standard Procedures for Public Education.

Time line: 5 months

  • Encourage and work on the publication of a "Street Law" Handbook covering wide information on:

    - What corruption practices are;
    - What the legal provisions related to corruption practices are;
    - How to report corruption?
    - How to monitor corruption?
    - Information on anti-corruption structures and activities carried out by government and civil society.

Time line: 12 months

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