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Empowering Civil Society in the Fight against Corruption in South East Europe
SPAI regional conference
September 17-19, 2001
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Croatia's Action Plan under Pillar 5

Representatives of the Government of Croatia and civil society note that the situation is improving in Croatia with regard to government-civil society relations. There have been several concrete results of partnership to date, foremost among which is the joint drafting of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan.

The main challenge for the future is the implementation of actions identified under the National Anti-Corruption Strategy adopted in February 2001 - in which all partners will have an important role to play. The Action Plan identifies key tasks, indicates responsibilities and timing and represents a framework of reference for anti-corruption activities undertaken by government and civil society actors (business and professional associations, NGOs, trade unions, media).

The existence of a National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan, taken together with the considerable 'resource' that existing government-civil society networks represent, provides good prospects for future implementation. It is here that donor support under the SPAI Pillar V may play a crucial role, in providing additional resources to the national reform process that is supported by a wide anti-corruption coalition.

The Government and civil society representatives agree to support the following actions:

National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan

  • Raise public awareness with regard to the Strategy (e.g. establish a co-ordination body of government and civil society actors, run TV and radio information campaigns, print and distribute the Strategy together with explanatory materials).
  • Implement the Strategy.

Conflict of Interest

  • Review of the draft law (e.g. expertise and technical assistance on the draft currently in Parliament).
  • Raise awareness among MPs, government officials on the issue (e.g. prepare explanatory materials and organise a workshop).


  • Training and education of judges on new Code of Ethics
  • Court monitoring
  • Media information on role of judiciary

Public Administration Reform/Local Government Reform

  • Decentralisation

Access to Information

  • Draft a freedom of information law (e.g. expert input to drafting and identification of key issues for implementation).
  • Case law on freedom of expression.


  • Private sector: implementation of the existing Code of Ethics for business.
  • Public sector: drafting of a new Code of Ethics for public officials.

Note: for each of the above actions a strong role for partnership between government and civil society actors is envisaged.

For further information - refer to the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan adopted by the Government of Croatia in February 2001.

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