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Empowering Civil Society in the Fight against Corruption in South East Europe
SPAI regional conference
September 17-19, 2001
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Moldova's Action Plan under Pillar 5

The Government and civil society representatives agree to support the following actions:

Regular Research and Analysis on Corruption in The Country

  • Assessment of economic and social consequences of corruption (evaluation of total loss for the state budget, tax evasion, indicators related to fiscal and economic discipline).
  • Carrying out of opinion polls in order to evaluate the public perception of corruption in various sectors of economic activities and public institutions.
  • Preparing and editing regular booklets and a book on assessment of corruption and the main strategies to tackle corruption by government and civil society.
  • Editing and translating the "Transparency International Source Book" as a National guide on fighting corruption for public officials, dissemination of the book among public officials, NGOs, public libraries.
  • Development of an anti-corruption programme for the University and college students.

Collaboration with the Government

  • Organisation of regular meetings between NGOs and representatives of the Government in order to exchange information (a preliminary agreement with the Court of Accounts, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Justice has been reached).
  • Preparing proposals for the National Program for Fighting Corruption. Monitoring of its implementation.
  • Proposals concerning the reform of the judiciary system in order to provide access to justice and ensure the independent functioning of the judicial sphere.
  • Proposals on preventing corruption in public procurement.
  • Proposals on tackling corruption among tax inspection authorities.
  • Proposals on tackling corruption in customs service.
  • Expertise on draft legislation (such as laws on public procurement, money laundering, bankruptcy, lobbying).

Public Awareness Campaigns

  • Creation of an information unit and setting up of a web site on corruption issues that will include all available information on the country such as: legislation; reports of the Court of Accounts and of Tax Inspection; Ministry of Internal Affairs' initiatives; reports of TI-Moldova and other NGOs; articles from information agencies and newspapers.
  • Organisation of two national anti-corruption conferences in the Republic of Moldova (first conference to be organised at the beginning of the project and the second at the end).
  • Organising contests for the best articles on corruption issues and placing them on the web site.
  • Taking part in TV programs on corruption issues.
  • Preparing a publicity film (video spot) related to integrity and transparency.
  • Organising workshops - for government representatives, NGOs, businessmen - about the harmful consequences of corruption for the economic, social and democratic development of the country.

The total budget of the project is USD 299,500.

UNDP - Moldova is ready to assist Transparency International - Moldova with USD 150,000 for the implementation of the first half of the project (18 months).

USAID is ready to finance the activities on tackling corruption in tax inspection and custom services (about USD 30,000).
In order to successfully implement the entire project, Transparency International -Moldova needs additional funding from donors for a total of USD 120,000.

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