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by Valnetin Georgiev


After its Liberation in 1878, Bulgaria proceeded to build up a legal system which was to lay the foundations of a democratic society, with private enterprise being the chief driving force of the economy.

Following the socialist revolution in 1944, the legal system and legislation served the purpose of fortifying the economic framework of socialist society. A number of laws adopted in the first years of socialism put public property and socialist planned economy in the foreground. Private property was rejected and certain laws were passed stipulating the expropriation of private means of production, the collectivization of farm land, and finally, the nationalization of personal property of citizens - housing, and others.

The changes that took place in Bulgaria in 1989 brought about the onset of speedy passing of legislation to allow the transition from a socialist planned economy to market economy. There began a process of reestablishment of the pre-1944 democratic legal traditions and adoption of modern legislation tendencies in the advanced western countries.

The objective of the present paper is to provide an overview of the legal framework of the private sector by considering the following aspects:

1. Legal framework of property.

2. Legal status of commercial entities and their interrelations in the process of carrying out economic activity.

3. Taxation.

4. Legal framework of foreign investments and their role for private sector development

5. Legal framework of competition.


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