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Round table: Establishing a National Agency for Combating Corruption: Pro and Contra

On February 25, 2003, the Center for the Study of Democracy held a round table on Establishing a National Agency for Combating Corruption: Pro and Contra.

The discussion was opened by Dr. Maria Yordanova, Director of the CSD Law Program, and Mr. Anton Stankov, Minister of Justice and Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Coordination Commission.

The core issues of the concept for establishing a national agency for combating corruption were presented by Associate Professor Boris Velchev, Member of the Legal Council of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Mr. Dimitar Markov, Project Coordinator in the CSD Law Program, outlined the foreign experience with the establishment of independent anti-corruption agencies.

Members of Parliament, representatives of the government and the judiciary, non-governmental organizations and experts participated in the discussion that followed, focusing on the legal and institutional possibilities and obstacles for the implementation of the concept.

Agenda of the round table
Summary of the discussion
The Establishment of Special Anti-Corruption Bodies: Overview of International Practice (PDF 137 kb)

Available in Bulgarian
Full records of the discussion in PDF (346)
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