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Sofia, 23-24 March 2001


Ms. Helene Holm-Pedersen, Anti-Corruption Net Work Manager, OECD

Preliminary Chairman's Conclusions

Annual Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies in Europe Istanbul

20-22 March 2001


At the invitation of the OECD Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies in Europe (the Network), and with the support of the United States Agency for International Development and the Turkish Government, over 100 government officials, civil society actors, and international organisations met in Istanbul on 20-22 March 2001 to take stock of progress in the fight against corruption in the region and review strategies for future action.

Noting that corruption is a violation of human dignity that deprives people of their basic social and economic rights;

Acknowledging that corruption is inimical to the practice of democracy, erodes the rule of law, and damages the trust of citizens in their governments;

Recognising that the fight against corruption is vital to economic growth and sustainable development;

Welcoming the progress that has taken place in the fight against corruption throughout the region since the last Annual Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Network in 1999,

Recognising the diversity of types and levels of corruption across the region and the need to share experience between countries to accelerate the pace of reform;

Noting that political will at the highest levels of government remains imperative to effectiveness in the fight against corruption; and that partnerships between governments and civic actors are essential;

Recalling the value of international instruments in setting standards for domestic action;

Emphasising the need for urgent action against the corruption problem, and calling upon donors to increase and co-ordinate their support for anti-corruption activities;

Recognising the value-added of regional co-operation and action-oriented knowledge-sharing;

Highlighting the importance of public education in raising awareness about the damaging effects of corruption, and the noting the critical role of independent media in this respect;

Welcoming the Annual Meeting as a unique forum for governments and civil society to meet as equals, across borders, sectors, and donor-beneficiary lines.

Endorsing the Network's vital role as a catalyst for developing regional strategies and building alliances;

Delegates agreed that the Network must be:

· demand-driven and based upon a commitment of and contribution by all involved, in order to achieve concrete results;

· responsive to the changing needs and priorities of its members and;

· organised to enhance member participation in its agenda-setting and decision-making.

Delegates reaffirmed their commitment to a successful follow-up process to the Annual Meeting and to ensuring that words are translated into actions, and actions into results.

In keeping with this commitment, Delegates identified the need for future actions within the Network in the following 4 strategic areas:

- Rule of Law and the Use of Legal Instruments

- Good Governance

- Civil Society Participation

- Regional Networking



The rule of law must be institutionalised, through comprehensive programmes of judicial reform and the creation of truly independent, impartial, and professional judiciaries and investigative bodies.

Delegates agreed that the Network could make a valuable contribution in:

· Helping compile and disseminate lessons learned and good practices from among Network countries in how to improve the independence of courts, in particular ensuring their freedom from political interference

· Providing "best practice" experience to improve the quality and integrity of courts through measures including recruitment, discipline and training

· Initiating a comprehensive assessment of gaps and inconsistencies in existing criminal, civil and procedural codes and laws, and assisting countries in identifying options and partners for addressing them.

· Exploring ways and means of supporting countries in improving and modernising court administration processes; and enhancing the status of members of the judicial branch to optimise their effectiveness, in particular through ensuring adequate budgetary support and appropriate remuneration.

· Assisting in catalysing targeted involvement of civil society, particularly the media, in support of these steps.



Delegates agreed that good governance implies strengthening trust between government and the public.

They emphasised that transparency and accountability are the foundation of such trust.

They agreed that codes of conduct are one of a broad range of measures to enhance integrity in the public service.

They identified the core values of public service, notably impartiality and accountability to the public interest, as the basic elements of effective codes of conduct. They acknowledged that monitoring, reporting and enforcement procedures are crucial components of such codes.

Delegates agreed that Network can make an important contribution in providing practical advice on the process of developing and implementing codes of conduct; and in helping compile and disseminate lessons learned and best practices in good governance among Network countries.



Delegates recognised the vital role of civil society activism in promoting and monitoring the implementation of international standards and local laws.

Delegates agreed that the Network can assist civil society in enhancing its effectiveness in the fight against corruption in by promoting co-operative ventures, exchanging experience, and compiling inventories of tools and case studies in the following areas:

· Monitoring

· Donor standards and co-ordination

· Public interest advocacy

Delegates recognised the importance of education about the damage of corruption to the economy and to society as a whole as a means of mobilising the public in the fight against corruption.

Delegates encouraged the creation of civil society coalitions within the Network of non-governmental organisations, business associations, trade unions, the media and other actors to achieve a more decisive impact.



Delegates recognised the importance of regional co-operation to enhance the fight against corruption. The Network is a bridge as well as process in itself.

Delegates welcomed the Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative as a valuable model for comprehensive regional action and standard setting.

Delegates commended the Baltic states on their launch of a new initiative within the Network and the OECD Baltic Regional Programme to develop a roadmap for capacity- and institution-building in fighting corruption and meeting international standards.

Delegates emphasised the important role of the Network in pursuing synergies with other regional initiatives, including the processes associated with the Global Forum, the International Anti-Corruption Conference in Prague, and the Kiev Conference on "Anti-Corruption Strategies for Transition Economies: Common Problems, Common Solutions."

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