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Drug policy and drug legislation in South East Europe
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After several decades of implementation of the current international drug control system, there is worldwide a sense of urgency to adjust the system, correct the aspects that cause adverse consequences and make it more effective. The volume “Drug policy and drug legislation in South East Europe” (ed. Apostolou, T., Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki Group, 2013) is a part of the efforts of the South East Europe Drug Policy Network to connect developments and initiatives in the SEE region with the European Union’s Drug Strategy and Action Plan, as well as with the global developments in drug policy. It contains reports of ten countries of the South East European Region on drug policy and drug legislation.
The country report on Bulgaria, prepared by Atanas Rusev, Research Fellow at the Center for the Study of Democracy, and Dimitar Markov, Senior Researcher at the Center, provides a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the current Bulgarian drug policies and their implementation such as the National Strategy on Drugs, the national substantive criminal law, the national drug laws and institutions, drug law enforcement in practice, sentencing levels and the prison situation, initiatives for drug law reform in the past twelve years, debated proposals for future drug law reforms.
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