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Agenda of the videoconference
ECA Regional GDLN Policy Dialogue on Investment Climate:
Regulation of Entry and Enforcement

Organized by the Joint WBI/PSDVP Investment Climate Learning Program and the ECA region, in cooperation with the LAC Region and in partnership with the ECA and LAC GDLN teams.

July 15, 2004
From 10:00 am (EST) -12:30 pm (EST)

Participating sites:

Washington, D.C.



This GDLN policy dialogue is the third in a series of cross-regional dissemination of lessons and best practices in key dimensions of the investment climate. The objective of the dialogue is to discuss how far countries should go to de-regulate the entry of new businesses. The moderator for the policy dialogue is Richard Messick of the World Bank.

The first half of the policy dialogue

Nancy Vandycke, Financial Economist and ECA Regional Investment Climate Assessment Coordinator, World Bank.

Dr. Vandycke will provide a short overview of the conclusions of the Poland Investment Climate Assessment, highlighting the impact of business entry regulations impact on Poland's investment climate.

Victor Endo, Instituto Libertad y Democracia (ILD), Lima, Peru.

Mr. Endo will discuss Peru's reform experience in the area of de-regulation of new business entry specifically on implementation of reforms and the reform's impact on Peru's investment climate.

Second Half of the Policy Dialogue


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