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Victor Endo. Mr Endo is currently a senior researcher and land administration specialist at the Institute of Liberty and Democracy (ILD) in Lima, Peru. Mr Endo has worked extensively in the area of property rights in Peru both at the ILD and as a consultant to the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. He was coordinator of Peru Urban Property Rights Project in charge of coordinating and planning activities for land regularization and institutional reform as well as overseeing the implementation phase of granting and registering more than one million urban property titles in Peru. Mr. Endo holds a M.Phil. in Policy Studies from the University of New Brunswick, Canada and a Bachelor's Degree in Law and Political Science from Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Richard Messick (rmessick@worldbank.org). Mr. Messick is a Senior Public Sector Specialist in the Bank's Public Sector Group. Prior to joining the Bank he was a consultant to Freedom House, a fellow at Hernando de Soto's Instituto Libertad y Democracia in Lima, Peru, and an advisor to the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research. He has represented firms and individuals in state and federal courts in the United States and in 1997 was recognized by the United States District Court for the District of Colombia for his work on behalf of the indigent.

Nancy Vandycke (nvandycke@worldbank.org). Ms. Vandycke is Program Coordinator for the Europe and Central Asia Region of the Private Sector Development Vice Presidency Investment Climate Program at the World Bank and Program Team Leader for the Private and Financial Sector for Kazakhstan. In her eight years of experience with the World Bank Group, she gained extensive operational experience on Eastern European and Central Asian countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Serbia. Further to her position at the World Bank, she was Adjunct Professor of Economics at Georgetown University in the US. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Vandycke was Special Assistant to the Executive Director for Belgium at the International Monetary Fund. She worked as an Advisor at the Russian-European Center for Economic Policy in Moscow. Ms. Vandycke occupied a position of Lecturer in Economics at the University of London. Ms. Vandycke holds a Master in Social Sciences from the University of Namur in Belgium, and a Master and Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics in England. She has published papers on human development and private sector growth in transition economies.

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