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Innovation.bg Index

Innvation.bg provides a reliable annual assessment of the innovation performance of the Bulgarian economy and of the current conditions and development opportunities of the Bulgarian innovation system. The report provides recommendations on the improvement of the public policy on innovation, building on the latest international theoretical and empirical studies and taking into account the specific economic, political, cultural and institutional framework of the innovation system in Bulgaria. The report targets leaders and decision-makers in the public and private sector of the country and abroad.

Innvation.bg examines the dynamics in the performance of the national innovation system over the last year and the opportunities for its development in the next one on the basis of five groups of indicators:

  • gross innovattion product;
  • entrepreneurship and innovation networks;
  • investment in and financing of innovation;
  • human capital for innovation;
  • information and communication technologies (ICT).

Methodologically, the report is based on several existing models for measuring and comparison of innovation systems: (1) the European Innovation Scoreboard of the European Commission; (2) the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard ; (3) the U.S. National Innovation Initiative ; and (4) the Executive Index of the Massachusetts Innovation Economy . The report is reviewed and approved annually by the Expert Council on Innovation at the Applied Research and Communications Fund.

The Innovation.bg process: a National Reform Agenda

Innovation.bg report 2012 (in English, PDF, 2.9 MB)
Innovation.bg report 2011 (in English, PDF, 2.9 MB)
Innovation.bg report 2010 (in English, PDF, 4 MB)
Innovation.bg report 2009 (in Bulgarian, PDF, 7.7 MB)
Innovation.bg report 2009 (in English, PDF, 6.90 MB)
Innovation.bg Report 2008 - Resume (in Bulgarian, PDF, 2.9 MB)
Innovation.bg Report 2008 (in Bulgarian, PDF, 3.9 MB)
Innovation.bg Report 2007 (in English, PDF, 11 MB)
Innovation.bg Report 2007 (in Bulgarian, PDF, 5.93 MB)
Innovation.bg Report, 2006 (in English, PDF, 3.4 MB)
Innovation.bg Report 2005 (in Bulgarian, PDF, 6.5 MB )
Innovation.bg Report 2004 (in Bulgarian, PDF, 401 KB )
Download Innovation.bg Presentation
Press Release 2008

The Report Innovation.bg 2005 cited in a DG Enterprise questionnaire
The Report Innovation.bg 2006 on CORDIS
The Report Innovation.bg 2007 in CORDIS News

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