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Small Arms and Light Weapons in Bulgaria

March 30, 2005
Center for the Study of Democracy


Opening remarks

Boyko Todorov
, Program Director, Center for the Study of Democracy

Roumen Stoilov, Deputy Minister of Interior

Hans Risser, SALW Awareness Officer, Stability Pact for SEE and UNDP South Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC)


Presentation of report - Taming the Arsenal: Small Arms and Light Weapons in Bulgaria

Philip Gounev, Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Democracy

Simon Rynn , Project Coordinator, Central and Eastern Europe, Saferworld



Vladimir Gaidarski, Head of Smuggling of Weapons, Hazardous Materials and Proliferation Department, National Service for Combating Organized Crime, Ministry of Interior

Nikola Mihailov, Director, International Organizations and Arms Control Department, Ministry of Defense


End of discussion

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