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Rafael Ribó i Massó
Rafael Ribó i Massó was born in Barcelona on May 10 of 1945. He was appointed as Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya on June 17 of 2004 and he entered upon office on July 1 of that year.

He has a Degree in Economics and Law issued by the Universitat de Barcelona, and he has also a Ph.D in Political, Economical and Trade Science issued by the same University and a Master of Arts in Political Science by The New School for Social Research of New York.

He is teacher of Political Science and Administration and he has been professor since 1970 at several universities as Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, The American College and The New School for Social Research.

He began his political activity in 1963 as a member of the chamber of the faculty of the Democratic Union of Students from the Universitat de Barcelona. At the beginning of the 1970s, he took part of an assembly of intellectual people of Catalonia, he was one of the people involved in carrying out the campaign for the official recognition of Catalan and he had the post of secretary of the liaison commission of the Assembly of Catalonia.

In 1977 he took part in the Congress of the Catalan Culture as co-ordinator of the field of institutions of self-government of the Congress. He has been General Secretary of the PSUC in 1986, he has also been member of the Parliament of Catalonia until the end of the sixth term (1980-2001), member of the House of Commons (1993-1995) and president of Iniciativa per Catalunya (1987-2000). Since 2001 he is president of the Foundation Eyes for the World. He has published several books, chapters and researches as The political system of Catalonia, The nation issue and the Catalan Countries, Book of political science, Citizenship and nationalism, and The special regons and the reform of the treaty of the European Union.
His Ph.D essay was entitled: "The concept of policital culture". He usually co-operates newspapers and magazines of Catalonia, Spain and from an international field.
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