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International Competitiveness of Bulgaria 2007
On 9 May 2007 the Center for the Study of Democracy organized a press conference to present Bulgaria’s position in the World Competitiveness Yearbook of IMD (International Institute for Management Development). With the partnership of CSD this year Bulgaria was included for the second time in the world oldest and most comprehensive annual report on competitiveness. For sixteen years the report ranks and analyzes how the environment in more than 60 nations creates and sustains the competitiveness of enterprises.

The pressconference was opened by Mr. Ruslan Stefanov, Coordinator of the Economic Program at the Center for the Study of Democracy. He underlined the importance of targeted, quick and based on reliable information policy actions by the state in order to increase the Bulgarian competitiveness, but at the same time the role of the business should also be put forward. Mr. Dimitar Petkov, Deputy Director of the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency pointed out the necessity of long term strategies in support of the business activity.

Bulgaria’s position in the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook was presented by Dr. Konstantin Pashev, Senior Fellow at the Economic Program, Center for the Study of Democracy. According to the data the greatest challenge for Bulgaria in medium and long term proves to be the improvement of human capital (increase of the quality, provided by the educational system, labor force qualification and productivity). In the short term the challenges are related to improvement of the business environment and the corporate governance.

According to Mr. Stoyan Stalev, Executive Director of InvestBulgaria Agency the development of infrastructure, provision of incentives to keep the qualified labor force in Bulgaria and improvement of the link between the business needs and the educational system are of greatest importance.

Agenda of the pressconference
Press release (MS Word, 263 KB, in Bulgarian)
Presentation by Dr. Konstantin Pashev, Senior Fellow at the Economic Program of the Center for the Study of Democracy (Power Point, 1.59 MB, in Bulgarian)
Press conference: International Competitiveness of Bulgaria: Trends and Challenges, 11 May 2006
Media Coverage (in Bulgarian)
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