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International Conference: Shaping a Common Security Agenda for Southeast Europe - New Approaches and Shared Responsibilities September 5-6, 2003, Sofia Agenda

Thursday, 4 September, 2003

Arrival of participants

20.30 Reception hosted by Solomon Passy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria

Friday, 5 September, 2003

08.15 Registration of participants

09.00 Opening

Dr. Ognian Shentov, Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy
Dr. Solomon Passy, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria
Dr. Harald Kindermann, German Ambassador to Bulgaria

09.15 Session 1: Enlargement, leadership and shared responsibilities in facing security challenges in Southeastern Europe

Keynote speeches:
Lord George Robertson, Secretary General, NATO
Markus Meckel, MP, German Bundestag; Head of German Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Dr. Erhard Busek, Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe

Ambassador Boyko Noev, Former Minister of Defense of Bulgaria; Director, European Program, Center for the Study of Democracy

10.00 - 10.20 Discussion

10.20 - 10.40 Coffee Break

Dr. Klaus Schumann, Director General for Political Affairs, Council of Europe
Prof. Dr. Ioan Mircea Pascu, Minister of Defense of Romania
Dr. Matthias Dembinski, Frankfurt Peace Research Institute

Dr. Fraser Cameron, Director of Studies, The European Policy Centre, Belgium

11.20 - 11.45 Coffee Break

11.45 -12.00
Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Prime Minister of Bulgaria

12.00 - 12.20 Discussion

12.30 Lunch hosted by Nikolay Svinarov, Minister of Defense of Bulgaria

15.00 Session 2: The transatlantic relationship and its impact on regional security

Dr. Fraser Cameron, Director of Studies, The European Policy Centre
Dr. John Hulsman, Senior Policy Analyst, European Affairs, Davis Institute, The Heritage Foundation
Otfried Nassauer, Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security
Zeljka Antunovic, Minister of Defense of Croatia

Arnold Wemhoerner, Regional Representative, Friedrich Ebert Foundation

15.45 - 16.15 Discussion

16.15 - 16.45 Coffee break

16.15 - 17.15
Vlado Buchkovski, Minister of Defense of Macedonia
Nikolay Svinarov, Minister of Defense of Bulgaria
Pandeli Majko, Minister of Defense of Albania

Lubomir Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria

17.15 - 18.00 Discussion

20.00 Dinner hosted by Stefan Sofianski, Mayor of Sofia

Saturday, 6 September, 2003

9.00 Session 3: The risks to integration: threats from organized crime and corruption

Vecdi Gonul, Minister of National Defense of Turkey
James Pardew, US Ambassador to Bulgaria
Prof. Georgi Petkanov, Minister of Interior of Bulgaria
Uta Zapf, MP, Social Democratic Party, Germany

Boyko Kotzev, Deputy Minister of Interior of Bulgaria

10.00-10.30 Discussion

10.30- 11.00 Coffee Break

11.00 Session 4: Breaking with stereotypes: innovative responses to the new security risks

Assen Assenov, Director, Customs Agency, Ministry of Finance of Bulgaria
Guner Ismail, President of the Board, FORUM, Macedonia
Dr. Emil Tsenkov, Senior Researcher, Center for the Study of Democracy

Boyko Todorov, Program Director, Center for the Study of Democracy

12.00 Discussion

12.45 Closing remarks
Dr. John Hulsman ,Senior Policy Analyst, European Affairs, Davis Institute, The Heritage Foundation, USA

13.00 End of conference

13.30 Lunch hosted by prof. Georgi Petkanov, Minister of Interior of Bulgaria

Departure of participants
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