Strengthening of the Judiciary

The judiciary as the third branch of power in a state governed by the Rule of Law – together with the legislative and the executive - is the one contributing to the legal certainty and stability of society. Thus the  strengthening of the judiciary is one of the basic conditions for the democratization and economic reconstruction of the countries of SEE.  The judicial reform process in SEE should aim to achieve a number of specific objectives:

  • To strengthen the independence of the judiciary;

  • To provide conditions for a speedier administration of justice;

  • To increase the efficiency of the judicial process;

  • To increase public confidence in the judiciary;

  • To establish a system for raising the professional knowledge and skills of the    magistrates and of the court administration;

  • To enhance the collaboration between countries of the SEE region in judicial structures and the enforcement of the law.

In order to achieve these objectives, improved harmonized legislation, professional cooperation and organizational changes, including training and career development schemes are needed.

As there are a number of apparent common problems and topics of mutual interests for the countries of SEE, it is desirable to initiate regional cooperation and partnerships based on the ongoing national judicial reform activities. With regard to areas of law of common concern, the following stand out as crucial:

  • Regional challenges for the civil law, procedural law and commercial law;

  • Combating serious crime - corruption, trans-border and banking crime, money laundering, etc.

Cooperation among magistrates and judicial institutions is of primary importance for the effective implementation of legislation and the Rule of Law. SELDI seeks to provide regularity in the institutional as well as personal exchanges, important for developing regional mechanisms of cooperation. Professional associations’ involvement is important in raising the level of professional integrity and responsibility and playing a significant role in accelerating the judicial reform activities. Regular meetings and other contacts between national associations of judges, those of public prosecutors, and other magistrates will form the backbone of the cooperation process. The establishment of a SEE Judicial Network will be encouraged among the relevant competent judicial authorities and will be the mechanism for exchange of experience as well as a forum for discussion of practical and legal problems, possible legislative changes and joint/coordinated measures.

The project will IDLI’s training capacity and the experience of the Judicial Reform Initiative for Bulgaria to introduce a regional training facility aimed at raising the professional knowledge and skills of the magistrates and court administrators. Its overall objective is to contribute to the development of accountable, legislative branches and independent judiciaries. Notably, the project will also seek to enhance the collaboration between countries of the SEE region in judicial structures.

Detailed Description

Summary of Program for 2000-2003 
Anti-Corruption/Good Governance
Strengthening of the Judiciary 
WTO and Trade Development in the Region 
Distance Learning Center