CSD>> Publications



<< | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 ] | 1991 | 1990 ]
[ Reports | Books | Policy briefs |
| Archive (includеs discontinued periodicals and other program documents) ]
Private Actors and Security Governance
This volume situates security privatisation within a broader policy framework, considers several relevant national and regional contexts and analyses different modes of regulation and control relating to a phenomenon with deep historical roots but also strong links to more recent trends of globalisation and trans-nationalisation. more »
Anti-Corruption Reforms in Bulgaria: Key Results and Risks
This is the eighth Corruption Assessment Report providing an overview of the state and dynamics of corruption in Bulgaria and Bulgarian anticorruption policy. more »
Legal Framework of Public-Private Partnerships
This background paper provides legal overview of the regulatory arrangement and the practical implementation of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in 11 countries: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Poland as well as relevant European Union legislation. more »
CSD Annual Report 2007
The first year of Bulgaria’s EU membership, 2007 continued to be a period of intense public and political debate on the issues at the core of the agenda of the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) – justice and home affairs (JHA) reform. Thus, CSD’s watchdog and policy work was of utmost relevance to the initial adjustment of the country to the requirements of membership. more »
CSD Brief No. 11: The Future of Corruption Benchmarking in the EU
The experience gained with monitoring of corruption during the last round of EU enlargement should be utilized for the development of EU’s own corruption benchmarking instrument. more »
Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms
The assessment of the effectiveness of anticorruption policies and trends in the spread of corruption is a key element of the Strategy for Transparent Governance and Counteraction of Corruption for the period 2006-2008. The Bulgarian Government’s 2006 Program for the implementation of this Strategy envisions the development of a system of indicators to monitor progress and actual impact. The System of Indicators was developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy based on the best European and world practices and draws on the experience gained in Bulgaria in the period between 1997 and 2006 from the implementation of the Corruption Monitoring System within the Coalition 2000 anticorruption initiative. more »
Innovation.bg 2007
The report Innovation.bg 2007 analyzes the state of the national innovation system and makes recommendations for enhancing the innovation performance of the Bulgarian economy. This year’s report makes a review of the European innovation policy and the opportunities it offers to Bulgaria. more »
A Painful Shift in Bulgarian Anti-Corruption Policies and Practice
The most important shift in Bulgaria’s anti-corruption policies in recent months is the move from “soft” (awareness-raising) campaigns to “hard” (prevention and sanctions oriented) measures with immediate anti-corruption effects. Taken together these recent developments create a tipping point for countering political corruption, a critical mass of action to guarantee that Bulgaria moves to a new equilibrium of lower political and administrative corruption. more »
CSD Brief No. 10: A Painful Shift in Bulgarian Anti-Corruption Policies and Practice
The most important shift in Bulgaria’s anti-corruption policies in recent months is the move from “soft” (awareness-raising) campaigns to “hard” (prevention and sanctions oriented) measures with immediate anti-corruption effects. more »
CSD Annual Report 2005
In 2005, Bulgaria signed its Treaty of Accession to the European Union. More than a decade of ever closer integration with the Union was finally made official. The process of accession has left its mark on a wide rage of issues – from constitutional reform to agriculture. Most importantly, meeting the requirements for membership has been the key guarantee for the sustainability of reforms in Bulgaria. more »

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