Vitosha Research
5 Alexander Zhendov Street
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: (+359 2) 971 3000
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  Assessment of the National Child Strategy 

  Crime Trends in Bulgaria 2000 – 2010 





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On March 14, 2003 the Center for the Study of Democracy hosted a round table on Public-Private Partnerships in Preventing Drug Abuse and Trafficking. Experts from government agencies and non-governmental organizations were invited to the discussion. Experts from the Working Group on the Abuse and Trafficking of Drugs at the Center for the Study of Democracy presented the results of the first national representative survey on drugs consumption in Bulgaria. Bulgarian society has been facing the problem of street-dogs for a long time since a consensus solution has not been found. The long lasting debates and the lack of an effective commonly acceptable solution has lead to the polarization of opinions and has blocked most of the initiatives undertaken.
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