WTO and Trade Development in the Region

Increased international trade, conducted in conformity with internationally agreed rules, will greatly contribute to the economic growth and enhanced stability of the region.   This is also recognized by the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, which includes as one of its objectives the creation of vibrant market economies, markets open to greatly expanded foreign trade, effective and transparent customs and commercial/regulatory regimes, fostering economic cooperation in the region and the rest of the world. Against this background, SELDI’s trade initiatives will concentrate on the multilateral (global) system of trade rules embodied by the World Trade Organization (WTO).  All SEE countries are either Members of the World Trade Organization or are in the process of accession.   SEE countries also engage in regional trade.  The trade initiative will therefore also focus on issues of regional integration.  The trade initiative would:

  • Create enhanced awareness and understanding of the WTO Agreements, of trade policy matters, the functioning of WTO and of relevant regional trade integration agreements;

  • Identify the main issues of law and policy in the on-going global trade liberalization;

  • List the main implications of the WTO Agreements domestically which may require amendment of legislation and policies to ensure consistency with WTO rules;

  • Understand the WTO Dispute Settlement procedures and determine their role in the domestic context for the enforcement of the trade rules;

  • Describe the evolving process of regional economic integration and their relationship to multilateral trade;

  • Encourage creation of (a) trade law center(s) in the region, which would in essence be dedicated to the needs of the region regarding regional and international trade; Provide training programs and undertake research;  (b) endeavor to create a forum for intra-regional academic cooperation; (c) attract international expertise;  (d) establish an infrastructure, a specialized library and documentation center

Through training seminars, setting up of advisory services and training of trainers, the project will create enhanced awareness and understanding of the rules of international trade, particularly WTO Agreements and of relevant regional trade integration agreements. The project will explore the possibilities of creating trade law center(s) in the region as a means of ensuring such accessibility and diffusion of knowledge. The project will identify the actually applied trade regimes (border and non-border measures) among the countries of the region and will make such information readily available for the region’s economic operators. As suggested during the conference discussions, strengthening the negotiating capacity of SELDI countries could also be a complementary target for the trade component of the Initiative. 

Detailed Description

Summary of Program for 2000-2003 
Anti-Corruption/Good Governance
Strengthening of the Judiciary 
WTO and Trade Development in the Region 
Distance Learning Center