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ARC Fund specializes in two main thematic areas which constitute important pillars of a knowledge society: Information Society, and Innovation and Technology Transfer. In both fields ARC Fund is trying to influence the adoption of innovative concepts and policies by government, businesses, academic institutions and NGOs. It facilitates various coalition-building efforts and supports the formulation of public policies by supplying policy-oriented research and analyses on subjects ranging from innovation systems to e-government and the role of media in anticorruption. ARC Fund also acts as a watch-dog for the implementation of public policies.

Leading the Way to the Information Society…

Since its establishment in 1991, ARC Fund has been actively involved in applied research, training, policy support and advocacy relating to telecoms and electronic media liberalization and, in more recent years, to information society and e-economy development. ARC Fund has consistently contributed to, and supported the development of IS policies by analyzing major trends and policy issues, drafting and proposing policy documents to responsible government agencies, and performing analytical work commissioned by Bulgarian and international organizations. The policy-level initiatives are supplemented by more practical work aimed at demonstrating the benefits of ICT in different areas of development. ARC Fund is also engaged in a multitude of projects which develop innovative ICT applications and content.

Go to the Information Society Program page


Fostering Innovation and Technology Transfer…

ARC Fund's activities in the area of Innovation and Technology Transfer are focused on developing the national innovation system on three level:
(i) at sectoral level, providing support to companies and clusters through technology brokering, counseling and international technology transfer;
(ii) at meso-level, assisting the development of regional innovation strategies, institutions and networks; and
(iii) at macro-level, applying foresight methodologies to shape future national innovation policies. ARC Fund publishes a comprehensive annual innovation index, Innovation.BG - a review of the country innovation system's assets and policy challenges…

Go to the Innovation and Technology Transfer Program page

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