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Robert Wasserman is Chairman of PSComm, LLC, the Maryland-based law enforcement management and strategic policy firm assisting government agencies in developing new operational strategies.

Mr. Wasserman also serves as Senior Advisor on International Law Enforcement for the United States Department of State. In that capacity, he has been involved in the development and evaluation of international law enforcement academies throughout the world, as well as development of policy on international policing issues.

Mr. Wasserman previously served as Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner of the United Nations International Police Task Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he commanded policing operations of the 2400 member international police organization following the Dayton Peace Accords in 1996 and 1997. Prior to his assignment to Bosnia, Mr. Wasserman served as Chief of Staff of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, a cabinet level agency, from 1994 to 1996.

Mr. Wasserman has served as a senior police executive in a number of law enforcement agencies, including Director of Public Safety for the Massachusetts Port Authority (1988-90), responsible for Boston's airport, harbor and bridges, Chief of Staff for the Houston Police Department (1982-85), and Director of Training and Personnel and later Assistant Commissioner for Operations of the Boston Police Department (1973-78).

During his career, Mr. Wasserman has served as a consultant to numerous police agencies in the United States and Europe. He drafted the community policing strategy for the New York City Police Department, and has conducted organizational assessments of police agencies in Baltimore, Atlanta, San Francisco, Richmond, Washington, DC, among others.

As a Research Fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, he was a convenor of the Executive Sessions on Community Policing that established the modern concept of community policing as an operational strategy.

Mr. Wasserman did his undergraduate work in Sociology at Antioch College in Ohio and this graduate work at Michigan State University in police administration.

He lives in West Tisbury, Massachusetts on the island of Martha's Vineyard, where he has served as Chairman of the Martha's Vineyard Airport Commission.

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