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February 11, 2003

Ms. Daniela Dokovska, Attorney-At-Law

Just a few words, ladies and gentlemen! I would like to take up what Mr. Dyulgerov said and add something. It is immediately related to the topic of our meeting today.

I would like to say that the state has a definite sanctioning capacity. It is not possible to constantly intensify the sanctioning policy of the state as this reduces the enforceability of the laws and ultimately undermines respect for the law. I believe the legislative process is a scientific form of governing society and it should build on empirical data, on in-depth study of the criminogenic factors. I think all too little is done in Bulgaria in terms of criminological studies that would serve as the basis for the development of legislation. It seems to me that this has a direct bearing on the issues we're considering today.

Thank you.


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