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February 11, 2003

Mr. Radi Naidenov, Chief of Cabinet of the Prime Minister (an address on behalf of the Prime Minister)

"Ladies and gentlemen, Your Excellencies! Let me say how pleased I am that Coalition 2000 has yet again organized a forum dedicated to the subject of counteracting corruption. Regrettably, pressing commitments prevent me from joining the discussion today. Nevertheless, there are a few important points I wish to stress.

The fight against corruption has been a priority of the government since the very beginning of its term. What is more, it was one of the pre-election commitments of the Simeon II National Movement and one that drew unconditional public support.

Over the past year our efforts were aimed at implementation of the National Strategy to Fight Corruption adopted on October 1, 2001. The Cabinet proposed amendments to the Penal Code and endorsed a Program to Counteract Corruption. Our main areas of activity comprise customs, the tax administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the judiciary. The customs reform, the outset of which was ridden by a great many problems, was our first step towards reducing corruption pressure.

According to our plans, by the end of the current year each ministry will have mailboxes for corruption-related reports. A special commission headed by the Minister of Justice has been set up to ensure proper coordination between all of the programs. Yet, in my opinion, if we are to bring the process to a successful end, it is imperative to carry out the judiciary reform. Anti-corruption measures are an important element of the amendments to the Law on the Judiciary that we have drafted - income declaration, limited terms in office within the system, accreditation, and transparency.

It is important to note that our achievements to date have been recognized by the European Commission in its regular report on the progress made by Bulgaria towards accession to the European Union.

Ladies and gentlemen, when opening the winter session of the National Assembly I declared our will to engage in the judiciary reform representatives of the opposition, of the courts, as well as of non-governmental organizations realizing the need for legislative changes in this area. I do believe this is the only way we can reach the necessary consensus. As regards conducting this broad public debate we very much count on our hosts today - Coalition 2000 - since we are all aware of their role with respect to the fight against corruption.

There is another point I would like to stress. The measures envisioned will only succeed if they are supported by our fellow countrymen. That is why we should all together cultivate public non-acceptance of this phenomenon; we should motivate each Bulgarian citizen to take a committed position and this position should be: "I do not corrupt". Let me emphasize this again: "I do not corrupt". Because while the moral conduct of a given politician or public official is very important, it is just as important that each citizen refuse to tolerate corrupt practices and interrelations. Only then will the measures taken by the government produce the desired impact.

I am persuaded that your forum, too, brings us closer to this goal and hope your efforts will be most productive!
Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria"

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