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Empowering Civil Society in the Fight against Corruption in South East Europe
SPAI regional conference
September 17-19, 2001
Dubrovnik, Croatia

The success of the fight against corruption and the democratization and integration process of Southeast Europe (SEE) depends on an active involvement of all parties concerned. In this context, the Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative (SPAI) Regional Conference on Civil Society will aim at reviewing the existing legal and institutional framework in SEE countries for an active involvement of civil society in the fight against corruption and at strengthening this involvement.

Expected outcomes

  • Diagnosis of the conditions for civil society's involvement in the fight against corruption in South East European countries
  • Policy dialogue between SPAI representatives and civil society organisations
  • Discussion of technical assistance needs and international donor community support

The two and a half-day conference will include a thorough review of the conditions for further involvement of civil society in the fight against corruption, followed by round-table discussions. The conference will also be a forum for discussion of specific key civil society issues under the general framework of the SPAI and will feature a special informal dialogue between SPAI Senior Representatives and representatives of civil society that is designed to facilitate an exchange of views on strengthening/developing a collaborative partnership to combat corruption. The meeting will also provide opportunities for strengthening bilateral contacts with the donor community and allow SPAI governments and civil society participants to discuss their specific technical assistance needs.

The Conference will take place in Cavtat, Croatia. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m., Monday, September 17 and will end at noon on Wednesday, September 19. Registration will take place on Sunday evening, September 16.

Presentations by lead speakers will respectively be limited to 10 minutes in order to leave time for discussion. Interventions from the floor should not exceed 5 minutes. The working language will be English. No translation will be provided.

Target Countries and Audience
Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYROM, Moldova, FRY/Montenegro, Romania. Participants will include SPAI senior representatives and experts, representatives of selected SEE business associations and trade unions, media and NGOs as well as representatives of international NGOs, bilateral agencies, Stability Pact donor countries and of observer countries. It is hoped that the diversity of this group will facilitate co-operation and alliances between the many stakeholders in the fight against corruption. The SPAI welcomes and encourages participation by all civil society groups in the Initiative.

Partner organisations
Government of Croatia, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - FRESTA Programme, and US State Department.

Other participating organisations and institutions
American Bar Association (ABA-CEELI), Balkan Human Rights Network, Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI), European Trade Unions Confederation, Friedrich Erbert Stiftung (FES), Integra Foundation, International Organisation of Employers, Medien ex-Yugoslawien, Office of the High Representative (OHR), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Trade Union Advisory Committee to OECD, Soros Open Society Institute, Transparency International, United Nations Center for International Crime Prevention (CICP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UK Department for International Development (DFID), USAID and the World Bank

Final Agenda

SUNDAY, 16 September 2001


17.00 - 19.00


Participants receive basic orientation and documentation, including list of participants.

17.00 - 18.00
Congress Hall Bobara

Stage Meeting
Meeting of the Managing Committee with the SPAI Senior representatives, chairs and speakers.
19.00 Welcoming Reception hosted by the OECD and the US Government


MONDAY, 17 eptember 2001

Congress hall
  • Welcoming Remarks by SPAI Chairman G. di Gennaro
  • Opening Address: Defining the Challenge for Civil Society in Combating Corruption in SEE - by D. Palijas, SPAI Senior Representative for Croatia.
  • Presentation of the agenda and expected outcomes of the Conference by F. Wehrle, OECD Anti-Corruption Division
Congress hall
Plenary review of SPAI countries under pillar V of the Initiative, followed by a general discussion during which representatives of civil society will be invited to express their opinion on the review.

Chair: G. di Gennaro, Chairman, SPAI

10.00-10.45 Albania (presenter: CoE) In this session, participants will review the enabling environment for civil society participation in the fight against corruption in SEE countries on the basis of the assessment report prepared by SPAI agencies. In reviewing the situation in each country, lead presenters will present the main findings of the assessment report. Following their 5-10 minutes presentation, the country under review will have the opportunity to provide some additional information. Civil society participants will then be invited to express their views on the report, focussing in particular on the draft recommendations attached to the report. Interventions from the floor will be brief so that the review of the country does not exceed 45 minutes.
10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.45 BiH (presenter: OHR)
Croatia (presenter: OECD)
Konavle Restaurant
Buffet lunch for all participants
14.00-14.45 FYROM (presenter: CoE)
14.45-15.30 FRY/Montenegro(presenter: OSCE) (presenter: OSCE)
15.30-15.45 Coffee break
15.45-16.30 Romania (presenter: UNDP)




Meeting adjourns





Reception offered by the Government of Croatia



TUESDAY, 18 September 2001 MORNING

8.00-9.00 Donors' meeting For donors countries, international organisations and NGOs, and Managing Committee only.
Three simultaneous focus group discussions to address good practices in terms of patterns of interaction between governments and NGOs, and the role of media, business associations and trade unions in the fight against corruption. The goal is to share ideas on joint anti-corruption strategies under the SPAI Compact.

Congress Hall


Focus Group A: Civic and government action: patterns of interaction

Facilitator: Mrs. Joanne Caddy, OECD
- Mrs. Sara Morante, Program Co-ordinator, Transparency International, Germany
- Mr. Stevo Muk, Director, Center for the Development of NGOs, FRY/Montenegro

General discussion

Policy-makers cannot be expected to consistently take the lead on anti-corruption efforts. They are much better positioned to achieve concrete results if they enter a productive and efficient dialogue with civil society organizations and social partners. Topics to be addressed in this focus group include: How can civil society act against corruption; civil society support for anti-corruption initiatives; Raising public awareness; engaging in consultation with civil society and social partners.

Congress Hall


Focus Group B: Enlisting business and trade unions

Facilitator: Mr. Allan Bussard, Integra Foundation
- Mrs. Liliana Deac, Director, Foreign Relations Department, Chamber of Commerce, Romania
- Mr. Dumitru Costin, Chairman of Romania's Trade Union Bloc

General discussion

Businesses and trade unions can be powerful allies in the fight against corruption. This focus group will look at co-operative efforts linking the public and private sectors and what concrete results business and employees associations can achieve. Issues to be addressed include:
developing links between governments, businesses and trade unions; business ethics promotion; trade unions mobilisation.

Congress Hall


Focus Group C: Mass media and public information

Facilitator: Mr. Ruediger Dossow, Media Division, Council of Europe
- Mrs. Ljubica Markovic, Director, BETA Press Agency, FRY
- Mrs. Alexenia Dimitrova, Senior Investigative Reporter, Public Opinion and Investigations Division, "24 hours Daily", Bulgaria

General discussion

The public at large is increasingly focusing on questions of integrity, proper accounting, and transparency. Parallel to this, there is a growing understanding of the role that the media can play in ensuring integrity. In this focus group, examples of efforts by the media to create awareness and raise ethical standards and initiate other actions to curb corruption will be highlighted. Issues to be addressed include: conducting investigative reporting; accessing public information; nurturing co-operation with public administration.
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.30 Report to the Plenary

Congress hall


Chair: Giuseppe di Gennaro, Chairman, SPAI

  • Chairperson of Focus Group A
  • Chairperson of Focus Group B
  • Chairperson of Focus Group C

General discussion

Konavle Restaurant
Buffet lunch for all participants
14.00-16.00 IV. GOVERNMENTS/CIVIL SOCIETY INFORMAL DIALOGUE Break-out country groups
Informal country-dialogue between SPAI Senior Representatives and civil society for an exchange of views on how they can work together collaboratively to effect reform to implement the SPAI Compact. Each country dialogue is facilitated by an international expert who will report on the outcomes of the dialogue to the plenary.
Country meetings:
Congress halls: Bobara (Croatia), Sipun (FRY/Montenegro), Orlando (Albania, BiH, FYROM), Salon IV (Romania), Salon V (Moldova)
Group A: Albania
(A. Abdiu, CoE)
Group B: BiH
(J. Peyton, OHR)
Group C: Croatia
(J. Caddy, OECD)
Group D: FYR Macedonia
(A. Seger, CoE)
Group E: FRY/Montenegro
(B. Kralj, OSCE/ODHIR)
Group F: Moldova
Group G: Romania
(T. Anusiewicz, UNDP)
During this informal dialogue, discussion will focus on strengthening/developing a collaborative partnership to combat corruption. Discussions should culminate in the adoption of a concrete and "actionable" country plan for the next 12 months that the plenary will discuss at the end of the session.
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.30 Summary of conclusions of country informal dialogue Plenary
Congress hall Ragusa Report to the Plenary from the six breakout country groups. Following the reports, SPAI governmental and civil society representatives will engage in a dialogue on the proposed action plans with representatives of the donor community.
Chair: Mr. Giuseppe di Gennaro, Chairman, SPAI
Group A: Albania

Group B: BiH

Group C: Croatia

Group D: FYR Macedonia

Group E: FRY

Group F: Moldova

Group G: Romania

During the discussion, representatives of the donor community will explain in what respect they can respond to the major needs of governments and civil society of SPAI countries and are able to support their efforts in fighting corruption in the region.
18.30 Meeting adjourns


WEDNESDAY, 19 September 2001


9.00-10.30 Ad hoc meeting with donors and international NGOs Ad hoc meetings

Congress hall


Open informal dialogue between SPAI and civil society representatives and the donor community on specific technical assistance needs of SPAI countries.
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Framework of action: towards an enhanced role of civil society in the fight against corruption Plenary

Congress hall


Chair: Mr. Giuseppe di Gennaro, Chairman, SPAI

Account on key outcomes (Mr. Drew Engel, ABA-CEELI, FRY/Montenegro)
General discussion on follow-up actions
Chairman's summary and conclusions

During this last session, an account on key outcomes of the conference will be given. Follow-up actions will be identified on the basis of this account.
12.00 Conference adjourns
Konavle Restaurant
Quick Lunch & departure for airport
12.30-13.00 Press Conference For host country and Managing Committee only
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