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Progress in Combating Transnational Crime in Southeastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus: update on the Role of the SECI Regional Center and the GUUAM Virtual law Enforcement Center against Trans-border Crime
April 23, 2004
Bulgarian Embassy in Washington D.C.

Opening remarks
H.E. Elena Poptodorova, Ambassador of Bulgaria to the United States
Mr. Thomas Adams, Deputy Coordinator for US Assistance to Europe and Eurasia

Results from the SECI Center JCC meeting, new avenues of regional cooperation countering various criminal activities: curbing illicit drug traffic, cooperation among prosecutors
Dr. John Markey, Director for Law Enforcement, Department of State

Recent development in cross-border organized crime in SEE and the potential of public-private partnerships: a perspective from the NGO community
Dr. Ognian Shentov, Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy, Sofia, Bulgaria
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