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Structure of Innovation.bg

Index Innovation.bg 2004: National Innovation System for Competitive Economy  

Objective: Elaboration of a strategic document on innovation in the public policy sphere, based on analysis of a number of indicators, and which annually assesses the state of the National Innovation System, in order to improve the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy.    

The first issue of the index Innovation.bg defines the major problems which the National Innovation System is facing and sets the agenda for action in this sphere.

Target groups: The index Innovation.bg is directed towards the authorities and the policy makers. It will also be used by the policy experts in the state administration and the private sector.


I. Resume (objective of the document; definition and problem descriptionwhat the index is showing; conclusion and recommendations)
II. Introduction (context of the analysis; problem definition; formulation of the intention; methodology and  constrains of the analysis; roadmap of the document)
III. Institutional framework for science, technologies and innovation during the transition towards EU membership (major institutions and relations; perspectives for participation in EU; development and state of the universities and the R&D infrastructure; description of the main challenges in front of the system in the context of the EU association and membership)
IV. Index of the national innovation systems state and potential (presentation and analysis of the main indicators in Innovation.bg in regard to Bulgarias position compared to other European countries and in dynamics /where there is available data/)
V. Conclusion and recommendations (synthesis of the major conclusions from the study and outlining the suggested solution /policies/ for improvement of the National Innovation System’s performance)

Conceptual Framework:

The index incorporates 34 indicators in groups , which present provisionally the relationship in dynamics between the resources/investments in, and the results from the innovation process. The indicators are divided in 7 groups that describe the National Innovation System and how it functions. 

A. Environment and policies
B. Human capital and employed in R&D    
C. Physical and Intangible Capital
D. Innovation financing and expenditure
E. Entrepreneurship and innovative enterprises
F. Connectivity
G. Results

The index analysis presents the logical relationship between the separate groups of indicators and their significance for the innovation potential of the country. The index presents the meaning of each indicator and its importance for the National Innovation System, what its concrete value is revealing, both viewed in dynamics and/or compared to: (i) other countries (for example the average level of the indicator in Central Europe) or (ii) expertly appointed values (for example the targeted by the Government FDI over $ 1 bln.) and what development could be expected in the future (short-term, to medium-term). The aim is data at least for the period 1995 – 2003 /or the last available year/ to be found for all indicators included in the index.

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