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Expert Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Biofoods Helds First Working Meeting on January 25, 2005
Within the EU PHARE project, entitled “Empowering Bulgarian Civil Society on GMOs and Consumer protection”, ARC Fund, as coordinator, set up an expert panel comprising 10 experts with various backgrounds in the areas of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and biofoods .

The panel members represent the research community, NGOs and state authorities and come from AgroBioInstitute, the Bulgarian Association of Food and Drink Industries, the Federation of Consumers in Bulgaria, relevant institutes at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Eco South-West NGO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Environment and Water.

The task of the expert panel is to elaborate a series of information materials targeted to raise the awareness of end-consumers on GMOs and biofoods. The panel will be responsible for the content development of the information materials as well as for identifying distribution channels so as to achieve a maximum level of raised awareness among consumers.

The first work meeting of the expert panel was held on January 25, 2005 at the Information Society Promotion Office, hosted by ARC Fund. The key discussion went around the need to provide balanced and objective information on both target topics – GMOs and biofoods, influencing by no means the perceptions or decisions of end-consumers.

The panel elicited a number of issues to constitute the outline and content of (i) a leaflet and (ii) a specialized information material, both intended to serve as a basis for the series of awareness events to be held in the period March – July, 2005. The content information is at present being gathered and processed by the panel members. The next work meeting is envisaged to take place in the first week of March.

For additional information on the project:
Ms. Christina Nedeva
Ms. Stella Dimitrova
tel.: (02) 986 7557, or fax: (02) 980 1833
The project: “Empowering Bulgarian Civil Society on GMOs and Consumer protection”
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