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Workshop: Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights and Their Multilateral and Regional Regulation. The Case of the SEE Transition Economies
On 17-19 October 2008the Center for the Study of Democracy, in collaboration with the University of Oslo organized a workshop on the issues of innovation and intellectual property rights. The workshop is part of the activities of GARNET, a EU Research Network of Excellence under the Sixth Framework Programme.

The main topic of discussion was the relationship between global and regional institutions and processes in the knowledge field: the internationalisation of national education, research and innovation systems; governance of access to and dissemination of knowledge. The workshop sought to explore whether and how the different regional and multilateral governance mechanisms of IPRs and innovation have affected the performance of their knowledge economies in the areas of foreign trade and FDI, local company performance, human capital, ICT, etc.

For the purposes of the workshop the organizers have issued a call for papers which study how multilateral and regional regulatory agencies and institutions, such as WTO’s GATS and TRIPS, UNESCO and the EU affect innovation and the use of IPRs on regional and national levels. The case of SEE countries was of particular interest and thus given priority. Contributions from a variety of disciplines including political science, sociology, political economy, law and economics are welcome.

Agenda of the workshop (Adobe PDF, 334 KB)
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