Lilia Yakova

Research Fellow, Sociological Program

Email Lilia Yakova at: lily.yakova(at)csd(dot)bg ll Hi-res Photo


B.A. in Political Science, American University in Bulgaria
M.A. in International Affairs, Marquette University, USA
Ph.D. in Organizational Communication and Policy, Purdue University, USA


Lilia Yakova works on projects related to ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups of the CSD Sociological Program. Her areas of interests include marginalized populations, social justice, communication and policy for social change, peacebuilding, organizational policy. Before joining CSD, Lilia was the Associate Director of Operations for the Purdue Peace Project (USA), a violence prevention initiative active in West Africa and Central America. She has also done research for the Hudson Institute (USA). Lilia has past experience working in the NGO sector as Manager of International Relations, Products and Services at the International Council for Cultural Centers (Bulgaria).

Research Focus

Minorities, Human rights, Youth employment policy

Selected Publications

Yakova, L., Connaughton, S. L., & Yeanay, G. (2017). When it comes to Liberia’s 2017 elections, better be on the side of caution. The Diplomatic Courier. Retrieved from

Yakova, L., & Connaughton, S. L. (2017). Peaceful solutions can be locally led. G20 Executive Talk Series. Retrieved from

Yakova, L. (2016). Communicating to oppress and liberate, reproduce and transform: A study of food insecurity as a material-discursive system, 2016, Purdue University, USA.

Yakova, L. (2016). For food justice: Challenges and lessons of leading a food assistance organization. In J. P. Fyke, P. M. Buzzanell, & J. Faris (Eds.), Cases in organizational and managerial communication: Stretching boundaries. Routledge.

Yakova, L. (2013). A Place at the table: The crisis of 49 million Americans and how to solve it.
International Journal of Communication, 7, 1750-1753.


English, Russian