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  Mapping the Links between Russian Influence and Media Capture in the Black Sea Countries
The growth of Russian economic influence and propaganda in the media of Central and East European countries has become evident in recent years. To address these issues, CSD has engaged in analyzing the Russian economic footprint and ownership links in the media sector. The preliminary results show several similarities as well as differences between different CEE countries in the “tools” used by Russian-controlled media for disseminating content and political messages. more »
Independent Monitoring of Forced Return: Monitoring Standards in Bulgaria
In the context of the increased migratory pressure on Europe in recent years, the European Union is actively seeking solutions to address the challenges it faces. The European Agenda on Migration 2015 focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of the return system by adopting a Return Handbook in order to standardize return practices in all Member States and develop stronger partnerships with third countries in the field of readmission. more »
Enhancing the Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection
The Syrian crisis has created unprecedented inflow of refugees on the European continent putting the reception and integration systems of all member states under strain. South and Eastern European member states in particular appear less prepared to receive and integrate increased numbers of refugees on their territories. more »
Human trafficking and smuggling – the new challenges
Like other EU countries, the Bulgarian economy and society greatly benefited from the revolution in information and communication technologies and the high speed Internet in the country. The rapid development of information technology and the widespread use of the Internet in everyday life, however, are inevitably associated with some significant security risks and increasing potential for certain crimes. more »
National Study on Domestic and Gender-based Violence and Elaboration of Victims' Support Model
Bulgaria is among those half of the EU-member states where statistical information about victim-offender relationship is not gathered, hereby making impossible the assessment of the share of domestic violence among the crimes against the person. Domestic violence is not qualified as a criminal offence and is still not included in the Criminal Code – and respectively, in the statistical data provided by the Police and by the National Statistical Institute. In the described country context, the need of systematic study on the prevalence, forms, vulnerable groups, unmet needs of the victims, and possibilities for further stable improvement of their situation, is beyond any doubt. more »
Validating Radicalisation Monitoring Tools in South East and Central Europe
Countering radicalisation that turns to terrorism has become an issue of particular concern for many European spcieties. Both Islamist and right wing radicalization have seen resurgence in recent years leading to violent attacks on European soil. In this context the early detection of radicalization processes and the understanding of the root causes and factors that trigger them becomes ever more important so that early prevention is enacted. more »
Roma integration across the Danube: Best practices and social entrepreneurship models exchange between Romania and Bulgaria
After the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe, Roma communities in these countries turned out to be disproportionately affected by the processes of economic and social changes that have undergone and undergo the national societies. more »
The problem of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Compliance with the Human Rights. Good Practices in Support of Victims of Violence in Norway
Domestic and gender-based violence are cross-cutting issues, the counteracting against which is outlined as a priority in the documents of various international organizations. Bulgaria is among those EU-member states that do not collect statistical data and there are no systematic and comprehensive studies of the scale and prevalence of these phenomena. more »
International Seminar on the Problems of Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence
Although throughout the last decade the Bulgarian authorities have adopted a number of acts and subsidiary legislation, as well as improved the existing ones, related to domestic and gender-based violence (DGBV), the country still has a long way to go to bring its legislation and practices in full compliance with EU and Council of Europe standards. more »
Regional Media in Bulgaria: Limits of Survival
In 2015 the Center for the Study of Democracy conducted a survey of 179 regional media with internet platforms across all districts in Bulgaria (with the exception of Sofia city and Sofia district). The survey revealed some alarming trends with potentially damaging consequences for regional media outlets. more »

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