Publications | Articles/Papers

23.02.2004 - Current State, Development Prospects and Integration Potential of Optoelectronics and Microoptoelectronincs in Bulgaria: Analysis
ARC Fund organized and carried out, together with the Faculty of Communications and Communication Technologies at the Technical University - Sofia, a national survey to identify the Bulgarian organizations and research units working in the field of optoelectronics and microoptoelectronics; establish their interests, assets and opportunities, and the efficiency of already established partnerships.  more »

28.01.2004 - Industrial case studies on innovation and technology needs of companies in the South-Central Region of Bulgaria
This document contains 10 industrial case studies analyzing the innovation processes at company level, and companies’ demand for new technologies in the following priority sectors of the regional economy of the South Central region of Bulgaria: agriculture and agrochemistry; food industry; electronics and electrotechnics; mechanical engineering; tourism; timber; wood processing and furniture production; textiles; perfumery and cosmetics; leather and shoe-making industry.  more »

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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems