International Workshop on ICT Foresight
On September 19, 2003 ARC Fund hosted an international workshop on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Foresight in the European Research Area. The event was part of ARC Fund’s involvement in the FISTERA network – i.e. Foresight on Information Society Technologies in ERA. This thematic network, supported by the European Union’s Information Society and Technologies (IST) Programme, aims at bringing together - on a systematic and extended basis - actors in national foresight exercises on IST. The network is coordinated by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) in Spain and includes as its members research institutes and consulting companies from Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Cyprus, Malta, France, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. ARC Fund joined this network in August 2002 and is the only Bulgarian member organization so far.

The goal of the international workshop held in Sofia was to present the interim results of research conducted within the FISTERA network, more specifically a review and analysis of the outcomes of several national-level IST foresight exercises, and the first phase results on some key European technology trajectories (i.e. a timeline mapping of potential developments of a selection of key emerging technologies).

The second part of the event featured a presentation of the mid-term results achieved within ARC Fund’s ForeTech project and the implementation of the ICT and e-Government foresight pilots in Romania and in Bulgaria. This session was followed by a wider consultancy workshop aimed at fine-tuning the interim findings of the e-Government foresight pilot in Bulgaria.

Ultimately this workshop was aimed at facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience among countries where foresight has become an established practice and countries like Bulgaria and Romania where foresight activities are only now being introduced.

Download workshop materials here:
Program (in Bulgarian)
List of participants
Summary of discussions
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems