Official Launch of the e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO)
On 14 June 2001, jointly with the Ministry of Transport and Communications, ARC Fund officially launched the Bulgarian Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO) - eBulgaria. This operation is based on the concept of public-private partnership. It was conceived to support the development of an information society in the country by raising IT awareness amongst the general public, industry, public administration, NGOs and academic institutions, and by fostering the spread of e-business applications among Bulgarian SMEs.

To this end, the ISPO has defined a number of specific objectives including: Increasing public awareness and understanding of the potential impact of the information society and its new applications in Bulgaria; Fostering the advancement of information society services and applications by Bulgarian businesses, public administrations, education and research institutions, and encouraging widespread use by citizens; Optimising the socio-economic benefits of an information society in Bulgaria by analysing its technical, economic, social and regulatory aspects, and by appraising the challenges raised by a transition to a new information society; Improving the overall coordination and information support for activities aimed at fostering information society development at the national, regional, and local level.
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems