ARC Fund is developing an online ICT Marketplace
A project on developing a National ICT Marketplace began in October 2002 in cooperation with the Innovation Relay Center (IRC)-Bulgaria and with financial support by the ICT Agency. The objective of this project is to promote and facilitate the innovation and technological development of Bulgarian companies and academic institutions operating in the field of information and communication technologies.

Using the technology transfer opportunities provided by the European Union's IRC Network, ARC began developing an online marketplace specialized in IT innovations. The purpose of this virtual marketplace is to facilitate and mediate the interaction between European and Bulgarian industrial and academic IT communities, ensure the outward flow of IT innovations and know-how stemming from Bulgarian IT industries and academic institutions, and provide a constant inflow of information on European innovations and know-how in the ICT sector. The complementary knowledge and experience of IRC-Bulgaria ensures effective promotion of the IT innovations and development in Bulgaria through its local presence and local service delivery system which allows for a close and easy interaction with the small business and IT communities in the country.

The URL of the National ICT Marketplace is

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems