Financial Instruments, Programs and Initiatives in Support of Information Society (in Bulgarian)
Tinko Stoyanov, Dinka Dinkova, Zoya Damianova, Roumiana Trencheva

ARC Fund, 2001
93 pages

This publication is part of a series of educational brochures about the Information Society which ARC Fund's Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO) released in 2001 with the financial assistance of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The brochure provides a quick reference guide to the European Union's research programs and other funding schemes in support of information society projects and initiatives. It contains an inventory of:

- EU policy initiatives (e.g. the eEurope Action Plan);
- Research and Development (RTD) programs, such as the Information Society and Technologies (IST) Programme, IDA (Interchange of Data among Administrations), e-Content, e-Learning, MediaPlus, the Internet Action Plan, Go-Digital initiative, and TEN-Telecom, among others;
- European IST contests, such as the IST Prize and EuroPrix;
- EU funding schemes and instruments (e,g, LIFT; i-Tec, JEV);
- other international donor programs (e.g. USAID, UNDP, World Bank)

The brochure is addressed primarily to researchers and academics, as well as business representatives, public sector officials and others working in the area of IST.

Download the full text of the brochure (in Bulgarian, PDF)
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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems