OpenFest - the First National Day Dedicated to Free Software Took Place in Sofia
The first OpenFest - a national event dedicated to free software was held in Sofia on September 14, 2003 under the auspices of Bulgarian President Mr. Georgi Parvanov. ARC Fund joined the Bulgarian Free Software Association in organizing this event.

The idea of the organizers has been to make one day of the year a World Day of Free Software. Their ambition has been to receive as wide as possible international response and support by inviting various individuals and organizations from the European Union member states, USA, Russia, and countries in Asia.

In his address to the OpenFest participants, President Parvanov said that the Internet phenomenon itself was born, and exists in the same environment from which the Free Software concept derives. Internet and modern information technologies provide us the opportunity to feel citizens of the world, to overcome the geographical divides and differences among people. was not held on the Internet - the global network only coordinated events which took place in different parts of the world. The fest happened among the people. It showed them that they can learn and develop, that their knowledge is accessible and it exists around them. It proved that based on other people's knowledge they can further develop their own ideas. And last, but not least, it showed that a good idea could originate in Bulgaria and could spread around the world and help unite - if even for a day - around the ideas of freedom, of sharing, and the desire for knowledge and development.

For more information, visit the website.
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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems