Business Coalitions Fostering Transparency in Electronic Public Services
On February 12, 2004, ARC Fund, jointly with the Ministry of Finance and Coalition 2000 organized a roundtable discussion with representatives of the major business associations in the country to exchange views and opinion on the successful forms and characteristics of electronic public services.

The immediate goal of this dicussion was to present a working platform development by the Ministry of Finance which introduces an electronic supply system for goods and services below mandatory public procurement thresholds, and to consult the design, functionalities and other characteristics of this system with potential business users. Participants discussed a number of potentially problematic areas, such as the optimal scope of information disclosure on supply bids, the consistency of its disclosure, the best decision-making procedure, and other topics. The discussion was moderated by the coordinators of the Coalition 2000 expert groups on Information Technologies (Ms. Dinka Dinkova) and Business Coalitions (Mr. Todor Yalamov). It brought together representatives of the business community (Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgarian Industrial Association, Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies, Bulgarian Association of Software Companies, and Bulgarian International Business Association), the public administration and NGOs.

ARC Fund launched a dedicated forum, using the platform of the Bulgaria Development Gateway, to facilitate the preparotory and follow-up discussions and exchanges of ideas and arguments. The virtual discusion forum is accessible at the following address:

Download the discussion agenda
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems