ARC Fund’s Work on Local E-Government Highlighted on the Development Gateway Portal
The Development Gateway portal published on its e-Government Topic Page a special feature and case study about ARC Fund’s project on “Transparency and Accountability in Local Government: Management Information System for the Municipality of Sofia”. This project was implemented in partnership with the City of Sofia and with financial support from the World Bank's infoDev Program. The project was successfully completed in June 2001. The aim of the project was to increase transparency and accountability via the implementation of a new management information system. It was expected that the results achieved by the City of Sofia during the implementation of this pilot e-government project, the benefits and issued faced will serve as guide posts for developing country municipalities throughout the world. The case study is the result of a collaborative effort between infoDev and the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University.

Read the case study in PDF format here.
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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems