Promoting Constructive Capital in Bulgaria
On September 28, 2021, within a policy forum with the participation of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Applied Research and Communications Fund, the Enterprise Europe Network-Bulgaria and the Center for the Study of Democracy presented an Action Agenda for promoting constructive capital in Bulgaria. The forum was part of the Bulgarian presidency of the Three Seas Initiative. It was supported and carried out in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise in Washington D.C.

The Action Agenda is formulated on the base of the analysis of European and national strategic documents and consultations with key business leaders from Bulgaria’s six planning regions. The regional profiles highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of each region in accordance with the technological and innovation specialization of the country.

Bulgaria needs to tackle first and foremost its structural issues related to state captured issues and rule of law gaps for the success of the measures set in the Action Agenda. Furthermore, the Action Agenda identifies four thematic and sectoral groups of reforms in the field of digitalisation, green technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, which are set to become a core for attracting private constructive capital in the future.

The country needs to leverage this largest ever public investment program in its history in the next five years, so public institutions and the private sector must take advantage of this opportunity for national economic and technological transformation.

Full text of the report
Full recording of the policy forum
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Master of Science in Information Systems