First Innovation Seminar Discusses Knowledge Economy: a New Policy Instrument
On 19 March 2004 ARC Fund and the Bulgaria Development Gateway organized the first Innovation Seminar on “Knowledge Economy: a New Policy Instrument”. The objective of the meeting was the initiation of a discussion on methodological and theoretical issues which are to turn, later on, into a discussion on the results from empirical surveys in the sphere of social, economic and technological innovations in Bulgaria and abroad. The seminar intends to publish materials (working papers) online, or in various collections of papers, monographs and other works of the participants focusing on aspects of innovation, and endorsed by ARC Fund's Expert Council on Innovation.

The World Bank’s perspective on the Knowledge Economy was presented by Mr. Ruslan Stefanov, senior advisor at ARC Fund. He set the main issues for discussion: the establishment of partnership, creation of ideas and their commercialization, entrepreneurship, new technologies, property rights, investments and competition.

During the discussion the participants agreed on the necessity of coordination and better collaboration between policy-makers, researchers and the business in their efforts to realize the information society’s ideas and to use the knowledge as a means for achieving a higher economic growth.

For more information:

Agenda of the First Innovation Seminar (only in Bulgarian)

Short description of the continual research seminar

Knowledge Economy – the Position of Bulgaria, presentation of Mr. Ruslan Stefanov (in Bulgarian)

Knowledge Economy Portal on the Bulgaria Development Gateway
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems