Discussion Forum on the “Use of Electronic Signatures in the Public Domain”
ARC Fund and the Center for the Study of Democracy jointly organized a discussion forum on the “Use of Electronic Signatures in the Public Domain – First Steps and Challenges” on November 6, 2003.

This discussion came a few weeks after the Minister of Public Administration had officially announced the start of e-government in Bulgaria. Its main purpose was to provide a forum for comments and reactions on this initiative from the various stakeholders involved in building e-government in the country (incl. the legislature, public administration, private sector, NGOs, academia, etc.) The forum featured presentations from the regulatory authority – Communications Regulation Commission, and practical demonstrations by the two officially registered providers of universal electronic signatures – Bankservice AD and Informacionno obsluzhvane AD. Participants also heared examples on how several ministries use e-signatures to communicate with each other, and interact with agencies outside the public administration domain. Examples were shared by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Bulgarian National Bank, and National Social Security Institute.

The event was a continuation of CSD’s efforts in promoting the concept and use of electronic signatures over the past couple of years, and its expert work on drafting the package of e-signature legislation adopted by Parliament in 2002. For ARC Fund, this event was in line with the efforts to advance the development of e-government policies and encourage the uptake of various e-services in Bulgarian society.

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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems