Information Society Technologies (in Bulgarian)
Dinkova D., Z. Damianova, A. Milev, T. Stoyanov, V. Ganev, Ch. Nedeva, S. Dimitrova, R. Trencheva

ARC Fund, 2001
102 pages
ISBN -954-90624-2-2

“Information Society Technologies” is the first in a series of educational brochures which ARC Fund’s Information Society Promotion Office published in 2001 with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The brochure presents an overview of the key priorities underlying the European Union’s 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, and specifically its IST component. It describes the application procedures and requirements, the funding schemes and various instruments, as well as the evaluation process and criteria. The brochure contains also an abridged translation of the IST work program for 2002, a guide to the electronic submission tool (ProTool), a list of useful websites, and translation of relevant official documents published by the European Commission. The main purpose of this brochure is to assist Bulgarian IST researchers and facilitate their participation in the EU RTD programs.

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Master of Science in Information Systems