Round table discussion on the problems of illegal and harmful content on the internet in Bulgaria
On November 12, 2003 ARC Fund and the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) organized a round table discussion on the problems of illegal and harmful content on the internet in Bulgaria. The event took place at e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion Office and gathered IT experts and representatives of all major stakeholders, working in this field in the country – Bulgarian ICT Development Agency, Bulgarian Internet Association, Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies, Bulgarian Association of Software Companies and State Agency for Child Protection.

During the round table ARC Fund and MTC presented their joined initiative of for battling the illegal and harmful content on the Bulgarian internet space and demonstrated a prototype of a hotline for illegal and harmful content, developed with the financial support of Bulgarian ICT Agency. The hotline receives and processes signals form the internet users in Bulgaria for illegal or harmful content on Bulgarian websites. The round table discussion was focused on developing formal procedures of the hotline and planning its wide promotion campaign.

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems