International Workshop: Benchmarking RTDI Organizations in Central and Southeast European Countries
On November 19, 2004 the the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) in Sofia and the Innovation Relay Centre - Bulgaria (ARC Fund)held an international workshop dedicated to promoting RTDI (research, technological development and innovation) benchmarking as an internal and external self-assessment tool to the stakeholders of national RTDI organizations (universities, Academies of Science, non-university RTDI institutes, industrial research labs and others). The workshop was held as a follow-up to the National Innovation Forum held on 22 October 2004 targeting the research organizations’ activities and their benchmarking in Central and South-East Europe.

The main objective of the event was to present evaluation approaches for RTDI organisations and to promote different benchmarking mechanisms (e.g. the Benchmarking Manual of the RECORD-Network established under STRATA (5th European Framework Programme for RTD) in Southeast Europe and the Index of national innovative performance developed by ARC Fund /IRC-Bulgaria Additionally, it demonstrated how science and technology policy could respond to the findings derived from benchmarking exercises and incorporate the outcomes in concrete strategies targeting the improvement of the existing national research and technology structure.

Participants in the workshop were experts, stakeholders, civil servants and institutions from EU-Member states – Austria and United Kingdom, New member states, Candidate Countries and other Southeast European countries – Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Macedonia etc.

Topics discussed:

• Policy Implications of Benchmarking;
• Bulgaria’s Integration in the EU and Impact on Evaluation of RTDI and business Organisations;
• Foresight as an RTDI policy making tool;
• Benchmarking Methodology;
• Lessons Learnt from EU projects on benchmarking and measuring the innovation level of the economies. Good practices.

Workshop agenda
List of participants

RECORD network

Speaker presentations:
Keynote: Charting the course from Accession State Benchmarking to full international competitivity - Mike W. Rogers, European Commission, DG Research, Directorate K The Policy Implications of Benchmarking - Mr. Klaus Schuch, Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna
Foresight as a policy making tool - Ms. Daniela Tchonkova, Coordinator, ARC Fund
Bulgaria’s Integration in the EU and Impact on Evaluation of RTDI Organisations - Ms. Lora Pavlova, Scientific Research Directorate, Ministry of Education and Science
The Innovation.BG initiative – measuring the level of innovation activity in Bulgaria - Mr. Angel Milev, Coordinator, IRC Bulgaria
The RECORD Benchmarking Methodology - Mr. Theo Papaioannou, CENTRIM, University of Brighton
Mapping of Excellence in the New Member States of the EU – Lessons Learnt from RECORD - Mr. Balázs Borsi, RECORD Co-ordinator, Technical University Budapest
Mapping the RTD Organisations in the South-Central region of Bulgaria – lessons learnt - Zoya Damianova, Senior Advisor, ARC Fund
Benchmarking the Innovation Performance in Bulgaria and in the EU - Dr. Teodora Georgieva, University Svishtov Bulgaria
Benchmarking Framework Conditions of the Activity of R&D organizations in South East Europe - Prof. K. Simeonova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Centre of Excellence – Benchmarking RTDI organisations in Bulgaria - Denitsa Marinova, AgroBioInstitute
The Czech benchmarking experiences - Mr. Jiri Loudin, Centre for STS Studies, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Related links:
Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgaria
Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office
European Trend Chart on Innovation
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Mapping of Excellence in European Research Area
"MAP" Thematic Network
Centre for Social Innovation
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems