ARC Fund initiated a National Council on Safer Internet Use in Bulgaria

On November 27, 2003 ARC Fund hosted the inaugural meeting which established a National Council on prevention and control of illegal and harmful content distributed via Internet. The meeting was jointly organized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion Office. The National Council will coordinate the actions against dissemiantion of illegal and harmful content on Bulgaria’s Internet space at national level and will set rules for self-regulation among the major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country.

The meeting was attended by 13 experts representing government agencies, business associations and NGOs working in the field of Internet safety. During the meeting Mr. Alexander Ognianov, Head of the Information Society Department at the Ministry of Transport and Communications presented the National Safer Internet Action Plan developed by the government in implementation of the National Strategy on Information Society Development.

The meeting elected Mr. Alexander Ognianov and Mr. Teodor Zahov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Internet Association, as co-chairs of the National Council. The newly inaugurated council adopted administrative procedures for the operation of a National Hotline for reporting illegal and harmful content on the Internet, and appointed the Information Society Promotion Office to act as Secretariat of the National Council on Safer Internet. During the meeting the framework for self-regulation among the ISPs was also discussed.

More information on the European Commission’s Safer Internet Action Plan is available at:
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    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems