The European IST Consortium Organized a Training Seminar for Bulgarian researchers and IST companies on May 31 - June 1, 2005 in Sofia
On May 31 and June 1, 2005 ARC Fund, as partner organization in the European IST project together with BASSCOM, the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies, organized the first series of training sessions for research organizations and IST companies in Bulgaria, aimed at encouraging and facilitating their participation in the IST Thematic Priority of the 6th Framework Program (FP6) of the European Commission.

This training was part of a series of seminars covering Hungary, Cyprus, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, and presented by lecturers from the more experienced European IST partners from France, Spain and Greece in order to help the research communities in these countries keep pace with the opportunities offered by the EC programs and the IST priority of FP6 in particular.

The training sessions were intended to be interactive and practical thus ensuring each participant’s comprehension and a maximum transfer of information. It was aimed at facilitating and mobilizing the efforts of the researchers to boost the successful participation in the current 5th Call of the IST priority of 6th Framework program, as well to ensure a firm foundation and transfer of knowledge to the 7th Framework Program of the EC.

One-on-one consultation sessions were also offered as a value-added service to the interested participants by the international lecturers from the French company, Euroquality (EQY).

Further details about this training are available from Ms. Nadejda Riachi at the e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion Office.

More training events offered under European IST
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems