Training seminars for IST companies under the GET-IN project on June 16-17, 2005 in Sofia
On June 16-17, 2005 ARC Fund as partner organization in the GET-IN project organized a training sessions for SMEs aimed at encouraging and facilitating their participation in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, and its IST Thematic Priority in particular. This training was the fifth in a series of seminars covering Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania.

The overall aim of the seminar was to train participants from local SMEs on how to write professional and competitive project proposals under FP6. The seminar introduced a web-based tool developed within the GET-IN project to facilitate the technical execution of the proposal preparation process, and providing practical guidelines in a well-structured and logical way, thus giving an emphasis on the project idea and ensuring the conformity to the EC documental procedures.

The training sessions were designed so as to achieve the following:
  • Guarantee a higher participation in the FP6 IST activities of SMEs from the EU New Member States and Associated Countries and in particular from the less developed countries and regions of Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and Poland - Lower Silesia.
  • Deliver tailor-made training sessions specifically orientated to increase SMEs participation in EC activities
  • Provide knowledge and skills to the trainees that will permit them to write successful proposals and increase their access to relevant information about EU initiates and projects.

    The target group involved SMEs interested to participate in international cooperation activities and other interested organizations with a good knowledge of English and self-motivated to work on innovation issues.
    For the purposes of this training a special “IST Participation Tool” - GiST - has been designed to support the project development process in the following aspects:
    - self-assessment of the company’s needs for adoption of ICT solutions for improving technologies and business processes thus allowing for saving development time and costs;
    - project costs calculation and filling-in project participation forms and cost statement; and
    - existing information about on-going projects and partner requests.

    The training on the GiST addressed the common problems in proposal writing and the success criteria for proposals. The trainees from the target organizations could build initial knowledge and capacity to use and work with the IST Participation Tool. The course provided tips on how to collect information, how to select strategic partners and how to avoid duplication in proposal writing. In the final section the trainees prepared a virtual proposal, testing the potentialities of the tool and were given additional test-time to use the tool individually after the training period.

    An approach to the next IST Call 5 was also made in order to draw the trainees' attention to the importance of its objectives, to focus on the most important documents and information resources available, as well as to advise on reliable partner search sources.

    The training was carried out in four-hour duration sessions for 40 participants in order to provide more personal support to the trainees. The training sessions were interactive and practical which ensured each participant’s comprehension and maximum transfer of information. All trainees received a “Participation Certificate” by the Get-In project.

    The training sessions was delivered by a high-calibre team of experts from the Project Coordinator – Innova + S.A.: Mr. Sousa and Mr. Almaida who have deep knowledge in the preparation of project proposals.

    Agenda of the GET-IN training sessions

    More information on this project is available from Ms. Daniela Tchonkova
  • © 2005
        Developed by ARC Fund

    Master of Science in Information Systems