ARC Fund to implement a Safer Internet Hotline
As of August 1st, 2005 ARC Fund has officially started a project to establish a national hotline under the EU Safer Internet Program. The Internet hotline – abbreviated as SAFE-NET BG – will become member of the European network of hotlines supported by the European Commission. Hotlines allow members of the public to report illegal content on the Internet. The hotlines then deal with the reports by passing them on to the appropriate body (Internet Service Providers, the police, hotlines in other countries) in accordance with their operating rules. This helps to reduce the flow of illegal content and contributes to the effective protection of Internet users.

SAFE-NET BG has been selected to be the hotline for Bulgaria following a competitive call for proposals and the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2004, allowing the participation of Bulgarian entities in the Safer Internet program. Its existence will enable Bulgarian Internet users to report incidences of harmful and illegal web-content. The hotline will be primarily concerned with websites containing child pornography but, as its operation gains experience and public recognition, the scope of activities will be extended to cover also other forms of harmful content and conduct, as well as other interactive technologies, incl. mobile, online games, chat channels, etc.

The hotline will be managed by the e-Bulgaria Information Society Promotion office, which ARC Fund operates since 2001, and under the supervision of a Public Council on Safer Internet Use in Bulgaria. This council was established by representatives of the government, major ISPs and NGO groups in 2003 (see It provides a coordination platform for the various stakeholders involved in limiting the distribution of harmful and illegal content and protecting the rights of users, particularly those of children.

The workplan for the first two years of the hotline’s operation will focus on (i) developing effective operational procedures (the hotline’s charter) compliant with the guidelines, working methods and practices established by the EU network of hotlines; (ii) raising awareness on the hotline’s objectives and operation among users in Bulgaria and educating the general public and specific target groups on safer Internet issues; (iii) facilitating national-level coordination, networking and information-sharing among stakeholders in the country; (iv) working with major industry representatives for identifying appropriate forms of self-regulation (e.g. adopting and effectively implementing a code of conduct by the industry), and (iv) active networking and collaboration with the members of the INHOPE association.

Earlier in the year ARC Fund also took part in the Safer Internet Day which was celebrated in 27 countries across Europe and beyond.

The four-year Safer Internet plus Program (2005-2008) was voted by the European Parliament in May 2005. The program aims to promote safer use of the Internet and new online technologies, particularly for children, and to fight against illegal content and content unwanted by the end-user, as part of a coherent approach by the European Union. It is a successor to the earlier Safer Internet Action Plan (1999-2004).

More information the Safer Internet plus Program:
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems