e-Municipality Report Out of Print
The e-Municipality Report 2005 has been released this week, as a jointly sponsored product of ARC Fund and the government’s Coordination Center on Information, Communication and Management Technologies (CCIT). The report is the second edition after a pilot study conducted in 2004 which assessed the online presence of Bulgarian municipalities and the extent to which they provide certain e-government services. The baseline study was sponsored by UNDP-Bulgaria.

The second report, released in December 2005, applies the same methodology in measuring the level of e-government service provision at municipal level. The report finds that 60% of Bulgarian municipalities have official websites by the end of 2005. The assessment covers such key parameters as the online exposure, accessibility, usability and functionality of municipal websites. The reports makes a positive assessment of the overall development of e-municipalities in the country as more and more local governments make available online their information services and resources but are still incapable of providing integrated one-stop-shop e-services.

Part of the criticism outlined in the report is that municipal websites are often created for primarily promotional purposes and are not integrated with the operation of local government administrations. The ability of local governments to provide one-stop-shop services is closely linked to the organization of business processes within municipal administrations. Therefore a thorough organizational restructuring of municipal administrations is needed as a baseline condition for developing effective e-government services at local level.

This year’s report thus features a whole chapter dedicated to the internal organization and functioning of e-municipalities, the need to transform administrative processes, possible strategies and available best practice in reorganizing municipal back-offices, and examples of business process modeling in municipal administrations.

The final chapter offers recommendations for changes in the e-government policies implemented at municipal level.

The report was officially presented at a ceremony on December 15th at ARC Fund’s Information Society Promotion Office in the presence of the chairman of the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications, representatives of the Ministry of State Administration and Administrative Reform and other key government officials responsible for formulating and implementing e-government policies, as well as ICT industry representatives, NGO leaders and journalists. The report has been provided to all mayors and regional governors in Bulgaria and was acknowledged by various national and local media.

Media coverage (in Bulgarian)

To download:

e-Municipality, 2005 (available only in Bulgarian)
Benchmarking of e-Municipality Websites in Bulgaria, November 2004 (available only in Bulgarian)

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems